Just One Black Man's Tweets

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The BDPA Insider – July 10, 2010

The BDPA Insider – July 10, 2010

What STEM Programs Does BDPA Provide for Young People?

BDPA Orlando chapter president Pablo More hosts a weekly lunch'n'learn webinar. On Thursday, the BDPA lunch'n'learn focused on the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) programs that exist within BDPA.

Click this link to read the full article:


Message from Los Angeles Chapter President

"Taking Membership to the Next Level"

John C. Malonson III, President
BDPA Los Angeles

BDPA Los Angeles exists to serve the Information Technology needs of its members and community.

Our continuous goal is to deliver services and programs that you desire. To provide even greater value, please continue to let us know which services and programs you would like to see expanded or offered

Click this link to read the full article:


Monday July 12th @ 9PM EASTERN Live Meeting Webinar:

Career Coaching at BDPA National Conference (PARTICIPANT DETAILS)

Deborah Chambers Chima
CEO, Chambers Consulting Group LTD

Franne McNeal
CEO, HR Energy

Patricia E. Perkins, CPCC, PMP
CEO, Exodus Coaching

Greetings, please join us for the next National BDPA Live Meeting webinar leading up to the BDPA Technology Conference in Philly.

This webinar will focus on Career Coaching sessions and special offering that will be made available at the Conference as well as the ITSMF Execute Protégé Program. Please join us if you want to take your career to the next level!

Click this link to read the full article:


The Value of “Cloud” in the Business Technology Ecosystem (Jambey Clinkscales)

There are going to be over 50 tremendous workshops at the 32nd annual BDPA Technology Conference in Philadelphia on July 28-31, 2010. One of those workshops is being presented by HP program manager Jambey Clinkscales. His workshop is entitled The Value of “Cloud” in the Business Technology Ecosystem.

Workshop participants will learn the that Cloud Computing is a means by which highly scalable and elastic technology-enabled services can be easily consumed over the internet on an as-needed basis. This workshop addresses these questions; What’s new about cloud? What problems does it uniquely solve? First, from an HP perspective and from a broader industry perspective.

Click this link to read the full article:


BDPA 2010 National Technology Conference

College Student Workshop Forum

The objective of the College Student Workshop Forum is to enhance the students’ capacity to explore and utilize emerging technology. The workshops will also inspire and empower college student to embrace and effectively use Information Technology in their academic and professional careers.

This forum will provide challenging interactive workshops and seminars for college students to obtain valuable exposure to leading edge technology and professionals in the IT industry.

Click this link to read the full article:


Please accept our invitation to join us in the City of Brotherly Love by registering for the 32nd Annual National BDPA Conference, (http://www.bdpa.org/conf-2010.php) July 28 – 31, 2010 at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Philadelphia, PA.

Hotel Rooms Are Now Going Fast: Please Book Now!!!

Reserve your room today by contacting the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown at 1-800-266-9432 and ask for the BDPA (Black Data Processing Associates) rate or register online.

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PS: Please share this information with your friends, co-workers, church members, etc so that they can help us pass the word. The key is that we must share what we know with others so we can all grow and prosper.

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