Thursday, December 16, 2010
Carolina Chocolate Drops
To be honest with the exception of a few artist I've been very unimpressed with what passes for R&B today. So being a native of North Carolina I'm intrigued by this group. I've always hated country music myself. But Blue Grass music was an entirely different thing, I'm not sure where I developed an ear for this type of music. Maybe it's because of the summer camp my parents sent me to in Black Mountain NC when I was 13, or maybe it's because it' reminds me of the relaxing summer trips my family would take to places like Asheville, Blowing Rock and Cherokee NC. However being the cool brother that I was I could never let anybody know that I actually liked blue grass music. But that was until a young group of musicians has made blue grass hip. I've already come out of the closet as a metal head, maybe I should add Blue Grass music to the list as well as well.
check out their video
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The Hard Truth: Companies Don't Hire Unemployed
I hate to break it to you kiddies, but this is what's happening. To me this is just more evidence that the current employment situation is the "new norm". Also this should motivate the long term unemployed to start their own business
and tell corporate America to kiss their asses.
Listen here:
Friday, December 10, 2010
Tyrone gets a new scooter
Friday, December 3, 2010
Back online
The Black Man is back! I will get back to posting more stuff on this blog now that I've fixed my little template problem and I have more free time on my hands.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Mitch McConnell Challenges Obama With Bold Speech
"Winning not whining brings power to your agenda. "
This is probably the most insightful thing I've read all day.
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Woman stomped by Rand Paul Supporters
Friday, October 8, 2010
Jay Smooth’s Scared of Christine O’Donnell
Election time is fast approaching. I'm urging everybody of every political stripe to go out and vote.
Despite what my conservative friends say voter turnout is usually pretty low in the African-American community. The last presidential election may have been the exception. This needs to change. Many black and white folks risked their lives so you and I could vote today. Don't let their sacrifices go to waste. VOTE!!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tea Party-Backed Gubernatorial Candidate Paul LePage Says He'd Tell Obama To 'Go To Hell' (VIDEO)
Obama should beat him to the punch and tell this loon to kiss his black azz!
What's with these guys? Had a Democratic Candidate said this about Bush there would have been hell to pay. Their patriotism would have been called in to question and the whole nine yards.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Friday, September 24, 2010
Chris Redfern, Ohio Democratic Party Chairman, Not Apologizing For Calling Tea Partiers 'F--kers'
Good for him. Most of the tea baggers come across as a bunch of hate filled, misinformed whack jobs. I wouldn't apologize to them either.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Dear Angry American, Joining the Tea Party Is NOT Your Only Option
seen very little if any improvement in their daily lives or prospects for a better future.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Monday, September 20, 2010
Colin Powell: Newt Gingrich's Obama Critique 'Doesn't Make Any Sense' (VIDEO)
Colin Powell seems to be one of the few THINKING Republicans left out there.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Obama To Tea Party: 'Identify, Specifically, What Would You Do?'
It's easy to be the guy lobbing grenades from the sidelines. But it's an entirely different thing to have to actually come up with WORKABLE solutions. I look forward to the Tea Party's response.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Rapper arrested at RDU on gun charges
Why? Can anybody tell me why these idiot rappers feel like that have to carry guns with them everywhere they go? If they want to carry guns and show how much of a bad ass they are, why don't they just enlist in the military and go to Afghanistan. At least there they can do something useful.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Muslim By Default
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Anti-PowerPoint Rant Gets Colonel Kicked Out of Afghanistan
The Colonel said what needed to be said. It's too bad he got canned, but that was not unexpected.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Monday, August 23, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Restore The Constitution Rally
But while reading their website I ran across this little gem:
"Here’s a little history for you;
On February 1, 1960, four negroes (term used in 1960) from NC A&T University, decided to sit at a “Whites Only” lunch counter in a Woolworths Store in Greensboro. This was their peaceful way of protesting segregation.
Times haven’t changed that much folks. 50 years ago, people were fighting for Truth, Justice & the American Way. Today, the majority of Americans are in the fight of our lives. To preserve our great country & to Restore The Constitution."
What's with all these right-wing folks comparing themselves to the Civil Rights activist of the 1960's? This is just downright bizarre. I'm sorry but there is no comparison between people fighting to receive rights that other Americans already enjoyed with people protesting to ...... Hell I don't even know what they're protesting. Their right to bear arms? They'll be doing that. Their right to protest? They'll be doing that to.
If they insist on comparing themselves to civil rights activist maybe the police should turn some dogs and fire hoses on them to give them some street cred.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
30 days Outsourcing in India
Video Description
A laid-off programmer from the US goes to India looking for his job. What he found is probably something he would've never imagined.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Weekend News
Later on Fox news Newt Gingrich was talking about the White House overreaction to the Shirley Sherrod video. Newt says "If the Obama administration is this afraid of Glenn Beck, how do they deal with the Iranians?" Ouch! 10 points for Newt. I hope everyone has learned from this whole affair. The NAACP and the Obama Administration got punked and deserve the criticism they're getting for appearing to be afraid to takeon the right when it come to racial matters.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
The BDPA Insider – July 10, 2010
What STEM Programs Does BDPA Provide for Young People?
BDPA Orlando chapter president Pablo More hosts a weekly lunch'n'learn webinar. On Thursday, the BDPA lunch'n'learn focused on the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) programs that exist within BDPA.
Click this link to read the full article:
Message from Los Angeles Chapter President
"Taking Membership to the Next Level"
John C. Malonson III, President
BDPA Los Angeles
BDPA Los Angeles exists to serve the Information Technology needs of its members and community.
Our continuous goal is to deliver services and programs that you desire. To provide even greater value, please continue to let us know which services and programs you would like to see expanded or offered
Click this link to read the full article:
Monday July 12th @ 9PM EASTERN Live Meeting Webinar:
Career Coaching at BDPA National Conference (PARTICIPANT DETAILS)
Deborah Chambers Chima
CEO, Chambers Consulting Group LTD
Franne McNeal
CEO, HR Energy
Patricia E. Perkins, CPCC, PMP
CEO, Exodus Coaching
Greetings, please join us for the next National BDPA Live Meeting webinar leading up to the BDPA Technology Conference in Philly.
This webinar will focus on Career Coaching sessions and special offering that will be made available at the Conference as well as the ITSMF Execute Protégé Program. Please join us if you want to take your career to the next level!
Click this link to read the full article:
The Value of “Cloud” in the Business Technology Ecosystem (Jambey Clinkscales)
There are going to be over 50 tremendous workshops at the 32nd annual BDPA Technology Conference in Philadelphia on July 28-31, 2010. One of those workshops is being presented by HP program manager Jambey Clinkscales. His workshop is entitled The Value of “Cloud” in the Business Technology Ecosystem.
Workshop participants will learn the that Cloud Computing is a means by which highly scalable and elastic technology-enabled services can be easily consumed over the internet on an as-needed basis. This workshop addresses these questions; What’s new about cloud? What problems does it uniquely solve? First, from an HP perspective and from a broader industry perspective.
Click this link to read the full article:
BDPA 2010 National Technology Conference
College Student Workshop Forum
The objective of the College Student Workshop Forum is to enhance the students’ capacity to explore and utilize emerging technology. The workshops will also inspire and empower college student to embrace and effectively use Information Technology in their academic and professional careers.
This forum will provide challenging interactive workshops and seminars for college students to obtain valuable exposure to leading edge technology and professionals in the IT industry.
Click this link to read the full article:
Please accept our invitation to join us in the City of Brotherly Love by registering for the 32nd Annual National BDPA Conference, (
Hotel Rooms Are Now Going Fast: Please Book Now!!!
Reserve your room today by contacting the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown at 1-800-266-9432 and ask for the BDPA (Black Data Processing Associates) rate or register online.
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PS: Please share this information with your friends, co-workers, church members, etc so that they can help us pass the word. The key is that we must share what we know with others so we can all grow and prosper.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The BDPA Insider – July 3, 2010

The BDPA Insider – July 3, 2010
BDPA Student Members May Qualify For ROTC Scholarships
BDPA Education and Technology Foundation (BETF) encourages interested BDPA student members that participate in the high school computer competition, youth technology camp or IT Showcase to check out some exciting cyber careers at participating universities.
2010 National BDPA Technology Conference
Youth Technology Camp Agenda
The BDPA Annual National Youth Technology Camp (YTC) provides interactive, hands-on workshops, seminars, and activities for high school students seeking to gain valuable exposure in leading edge technology topics. This event gives students the opportunity to network with young entrepreneurs, and other youths from around the country who are pursuing academic and professional futures in the computer technology industry. Don't miss this opportunity to take part in a technology camp specifically tailored to meet the needs of today's Youth!
2010 National BDPA Technology Conference
Career Planning Workshop
Today’s workplace reality of having fewer resources to get the job done creates the need to rethink your career success strategy. Come meet and hear the coaches share the concepts that will help you overcome the current challenges in the workplace!
Prepare and Make Best Effective Use of the 2010 BDPA Technology Conference
Featuring Curtis Jenkins, National BDPA VP Strategy and Planning
BDPA Lunch & Learn Webinar . Outstanding 18-slide presentation created by National BDPA vice president Curtis Jenkins.
Click here to listen to the webinar:
Click here for the blog post on BDPA
Please accept our invitation to join us in the City of Brotherly Love by registering for the 32nd Annual National BDPA Conference, (
Hotel Rooms Are Now Going Fast: Please Book Now !!!
Reserve your room today by contacting the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown at 1-800-266-9432 and ask for the BDPA (Black Data Processing Associates) rate or register online.
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Find the buzz on Twitter #BDPA:
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Career Planning Workshop
Business runs on numbers. In this workshop Franne shares the secrets of C-Suite executives. Increase your pay for performance by connecting to revenues, expenses and profits.
Key Benefits:
- Decipher 3 key financial statements to know “Where did the business make money?”
- Investigate the 3 key business drivers to know “Where will the business make money?”
Key Benefits:
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Where are all the IT job seekers?

To: IT Job Seekers
The job market has turned and opportunities abound, but are you still looking for a job? Don't give up. Help is one the way!
Key Takeaway: IT Recruiters are searching for top IT talent and can't find you.
We can see the demand for IT Job Seekers really picking up. We have new companies signing up to join us at the 2010 National BDPA Career Fair & Tech Expo and new companies have subscribed to our online BDPA Career Center too.
3 Tips to Help BDPA Job Seekers in Today's Information Technology Industry
1) Post your resume now!
BDPA Career Center - Job Seeker's Page
BDPA Career Center Subscribers (as of 6/27/10)
Allstate Insurance
Excelsior College
Freddie Mac
Johnson & Johnson
JPMorgan Chase
Marriott International
Mayo Clinic
Merck & Company
NCCI Holdings
Online Computer Library Center
Quest Diagnostics
SC Johnson
State Farm Insurance
The Travelers Companies
Turner Broadcasting System
US Air Force
Walgreen Company
Wells Fargo Bank
2) Join Us Online!
Don't miss this unique opportunity to engage directly with IT Recruiters. They are looking for you on Facebook, LinkedIn, and on Twitter. Follow our daily tweets to our fast growing online community of recruiters and hiring managers who are online and looking for you.
3) Join Us in Philly!
2010 National BDPA Career Fair & Tech Expo
Professional Development Workshops and Seminars
Panel Discussions
Career Planning Workshop
Private Career Coaching Sessions
This message has been brought to you by BDPA, where IT Job Seekers and IT Recruiters meet each and every day.
Please accept our invitation to join us in the City of Brotherly Love by registering for the 32nd Annual National BDPA Conference, ( July 28 – 31, 2010 at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Philadelphia, PA.
Hotel Rooms Are Now Going Fast: Please Book Now !!!
Reserve your room today by contacting the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown at 1-800-266-9432 and ask for the BDPA (Black Data Processing Associates) rate or register online.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Gresham Barrett's South Carolina Gubernatorial Ad Calls Candidate 'A Christian' Who 'Wont Embarrass Us' (VIDEO)
This just makes me wish I was in SC so I could vote for his opponent.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Sunday, June 6, 2010
N.J. men planned to 'wage violent jihad,' feds say
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
What Happens When A Liberal Black Man Accidentally Ends Up At A Tea Party?!?
What Happens When A Liberal Black Man Accidentally Ends Up At A Tea Party?!?
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Why does Rand Paul's new campaign manager work with a white supremacist?
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
A saturday morning on Fox news
and a panel of pro corporate talking heads criticizing the financial reform regulations. Yeah that's it! Let the Wall Street fat cats continue the same practices that brought this country's economy to it's knees. How can anybody it their right minds be in favor of this?
Second segment has more talking heads, this time complaining about Alan Grayson and some of his heated rhetoric. I don't agree with everything the Senator has said, but I find it highly hypocritical for these folks on FOX to be outraged NOW. Where are they when their fellow Republicans are making all kinds of over the top statements?
The wife is awake now and has assigned me chores for the day. So I gotta run folks!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Paul: No repeal of civil rights law - Manu Raju and Jonathan Allen and Jonathan Martin -
Paul: No repeal of civil rights law - Manu Raju and Jonathan Allen and Jonathan Martin -
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
America's Underclass: The Growing Gap Between the Rich and Poor
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
'YouCut' votes target welfare - Jake Sherman -
I'm no great fan of welfare myself, but I wonder how much of the total federal budget actually goes to welfare programs.\
I've seen various site that give an assortment of answers. most seem to geared toward pushing a certain political stance.
Anybody out there know where I can find a legitimate unbiased source?
'YouCut' votes target welfare - Jake Sherman -
Monday, May 17, 2010
Just Tired.
So for now I'll keep re-tweeting and linking to other folks stuff.
Oh yeah and check me out on Facebook.
nite nite
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Palin says Obama would ban guns if he could ::
Palin says Obama would ban guns if he could ::
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Crist goes Independent
Saturday, April 10, 2010
All is Fair in love and stepping
If they were best performers I have no problem with them winning. How can we claim to want
a level playing field but at the same time say there should things that nobody else is allowed to participate in yet alone win.
My wife and I are both a members of Black Greek Letter Organizations. So I know all the history of why we were founded etc. And I can understand why some may be uneasy. But should this be viewed any different that any other aspect of black culture that others have embraced or made their own. I intentionally didn't use the word "stole" because I don't view it that way. Have you been to blues concert lately? With the exception of the performers the audiences are largely white. Yet I don't see anybody complaining about that.
I've got to cut it short as I have to take my pup the vet. But bottom line is if we really want a more inclusive society we have to remember it works both ways.
Crashing the Tea Party Supposedly this groups is dedicated to discrediting the tea party by infiltrating their events and passing themselves of as members of the tea party carrying signs with misspelling and idiotic slogans. Some right-wingers have been saying all along that the idiot tea baggers we see with the racist signs with misspelling etc. were liberal plants. I seriously doubt this. From what I've seen of these folks, most seem to be grossly misinformed and obnoxiously ignorant.
If this crashtheteaparty group is legit, the question I would ask the founders is why would they even bother? The Tea Party folks in my opinion are doing just fine making themselves looking like ignorant, hateful racist without any outside help.
Secondly, the Republican party has more to gain my marginalizing and discrediting this group that the Democratic party. The Tea party was the GOP's creation but now some Republican politicians have found themselves in the tea party's sights. The moster they created has now turned on them. Let's not forget the independents. If the Republicans hope to win over enough independents to make a difference come November they are going to have to distance themselves from the tea party and it's associated gang of far right lunatics..
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Black conservative tea party backers take heat ::
I think they only take heat not because all blacks are Democratic sheep. They take heat because some don't seem to be interested in calling out the racist in their ranks.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
DHS Extremism Violence Report Off Base Political Propaganda, Or Necessary Apolitical Warning of Increasing Threats?
Aside from that we now know the DHS report wasn't that fall off base at all. In fact it was spot on.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Some blacks back Tea Party, despite movement's racist reputation
Blackman Says: Well this is interesting. I wonder if these black Tea Party folks will call out the racist in the bunch.
ad-hoc conservative protests against an expanded government role that started shortly after President Obama was inaugurated last year is growing into a "Taxed Enough Already" movement that is backing candidates for political office and influencing public policies. Among these movement conservatives are a small but increasing number of black conservatives and libertarians who - attracted to the tea party movement's call for smaller government, lower taxes, and less government spending - are getting involved in the protest movement.
Kevin Jackson, a former ACORN and union organizer who currently works as an advocate for the homeless in Charleston, S.C., began attending tea party events "because I saw the Left under Obama seeking to destroy the freedoms that we as Americans have fought so hard to have, and the Left's determination to take socialize, to over the state", he said.
Although he has been active in Republican Party politics, Ron Miller, an information technology consultant in Huntingtown, Md. who is running for the Maryland State Senate, said that the tea party rallies were his first foray into protest movement activities. "The movement embodied my beliefs in limited government, low taxes, individual liberty and free enterprise", he said. Miller organized and emceed the first tea party in Maryland last year, and has been a featured speaker at four tea party rallies. He has attended many other tea party events, including the large 9/12 March On Washington event last autumn.
As the tea party movement increasingly presses for changes in American politics, some observers have wondered if the movement is relevant to black America's aspirations, issues, and challenges. Jackson questions whether black America is organized around specific goals, contending that galvanizing around the interests of 40 million African-Americans is unrealistic.
However, Lenny McAllister, a political commentator and author based in Charlotte, N.C., who has spoken at various tea party rallies, sees a linkage between the tea party movement and black America's goals. "The vast majority of tea party activists focus on smaller government and on politics. I feel that it's my responsibility as an African American activist to talk about things that are bigger than that," he said. "I think a lot of tea party activists and also black conservatives seemingly miss that point: political activism must be coupled with community activism if smaller government is going to work 50 years post-[Lyndon B.] Johnson Great Society."
McAllister added that he believes that the focus shouldn't be on whether there are more black people in the tea party movement, but on a "smaller government, bigger people" approach. He argues that the tea party movement has focused a lot on the first half of the equation and not enough on the latter part, in articulating how smaller government remedies issues like black student achievement, single-parent households, crime, and entrepreneurship. "The issue is taking the message and crafting it to people who grew up in urban conditions and who deal with government", McAllister said. "And if you don't have a way to take the tea party movement and make it tangible to Charlotte, to Chicago, and other places, then that's a problem. You have to be able to cross that bridge."
A controversy has erupted over whether former Congressman and presidential candidate Tom Tancredo burned that potential bridge during his convention speech at the recent National Tea Party Convention in Nashville, Tenn. Tancredo drew accusations of racism when he stated that Obama was elected partly because "we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote....People who could not even spell the word 'vote' or say it in English put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House."
Jackson asserts that Tancredo's comments merely described much of the American electorate, and he supports such a voter litmus test. "Most of the people who vote are white, so he wasn't talking about black people. But if he were, I think it's a good thing that all voters have a basic literacy standard."
However, McAllister takes issue with Tancredo's comments. "Who determines the level of literacy, if you're a citizen? That's your right as an American", he said. "Somebody died for you to have that right, should you choose to exercise it. Sometimes it's that one issue that pushes you to vote. Putting in a civics standard and say we can't vote is wrong. Any African-American who believes so needs to take a look at history."
In response to critics who charge that Tancredo's comments demonstrate that the Tea Party movement has racist motives, Miller stated, "A truly racist movement would not have embraced me and other black Tea Party activists so enthusiastically. Yes, there are fringe elements that are probably racist, but they aren't the entire Tea Party movement - not even close", he said. "People come up to me at these rallies and thank me for my courage, because they know I'm going to catch hell from the black community for not falling in line. From where I sit, the liberals are the ones who keep bringing up race, not the tea party movement. We emphasize what brings us all together, not what separates us."
McAllister said that the media tends to show the more colorful and racially charged characters, but the average activist is a regular American. "People see and hear the extreme views of harsh constitutionalists, the 'Don't Tread Of Me' flags, and few black people. The media focuses on the fringes", he said. "In the middle are veterans, and people who are the grandparents of black children. I've seen it personally. For every instance of racism that I've seen and addressed personally, there are many more people who want to include African-Americans and have more dialogue." He added that a next step is "if the Tea Party movement is able to exemplify that more, then it can be even more effective than it's been today."
Jackson believes that the Tea Party movement's next steps should be to continue organizing to get conservatives on the ballot for this year's mid-term elections and "vetting to make sure they are real conservatives like Scott Brown".
McAllister envisions a long-term goal for the movement: sustainability. He contends that Tea Party activists must ensure "a platform of solutions that touches the communities where its policies will, one, most impact America to allow the viability of goals to be met; and, two, allow the tea party movement to be sustained and not just be a trend."
Angela McGlowan, a tea party circuit speaker who earlier this week left a position as a FOX News political commentator to formally announce that she's running for Congress in Mississippi's 1st Congressional District, has black Tea Party activists hopeful that it will lead to more visibility of black conservatives. Miller, who personally knows McGlowan, is excited about her bid for political office. "A new generation of black leaders from the center-right is coming onto the scene, and it's refreshing to see them unafraid to take a public stand for their beliefs
Monday, February 8, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
President Obama at GOP retreat part 1
President Obama hands the GOP their behinds.
Controversial Tea Party convention aims to boost the movement
Organizers hope the three-day event will help strengthen the year-old anti-big-government movement. On its Web site, organizer Tea Party Nation says the event is "aimed at bringing the Tea Party Movement leaders together from around the nation for the purpose of networking and supporting the movement's multiple organizations' principal goals."
But there has been pushback against the convention and its organizers from both outsiders and some in the movement because of Tea Party Nation's for-profit status and because the price of entry attendees have paid for access to the workshops and seminars being held through Saturday.
Red State blogger Erick Erickson wrote that while he has good things to say about some groups within the Tea Party, "this national tea party convention smells scammy."
Mark Meckler said he and Jenny Beth Martin, co-founders of the Tea Party Patriots, aren't participating in the convention because "it wasn't the kind of grass-roots organization that we are, so we declined to participate."
Organizers say some 600 people have paid $549 each to attend the convention and that the event is sold out. But they add that tickets costing $349 are still available for Saturday night's banquet, where former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin will give the convention's keynote address.
Sherry Phillips, who along with her husband, Nashville attorney Judson Phillips, founded Tea Party Nation, said earlier this week in a message to supporters that "we fully expect to break even at this event. We may even make a few thousand dollars to cover local operating costs of TPN."
Phillips also fired back at her critics, saying, "We never did this to make us rich or famous. Quite the contrary, we are patriots who love our country, our members and the people who are coming to Nashville to attend this great event."
As for Palin, neither the convention organizers nor a spokeswoman for the former governor would confirm reports that the former governor is getting paid around $100,000 for her keynote appearance.
"I will not benefit financially from speaking at this event," Palin said in a statement this week. "Any compensation for my appearance will go right back to the cause."
As controversy surrounds the convention, tensions have been rising among Tea Party activists. Rival factions are battling over who will carry the Tea Party banner, and others worry that powerful groups are "Astroturfing" what they think should remain a grass-roots group.
Last week two major speakers scheduled for the convention dropped out of the lineup. Rep. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee and Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota announced that they would not attend the convention, which is being held at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Convention Center in Nashville.
Blackburn was scheduled to serve as a featured speaker and introduce Palin. Bachman was scheduled to serve as one of the convention's kickoff speakers. Both are strong supporters of the Tea Party movement.
Both said the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct advised them not to participate because of the convention's for-profit status. And both said the canceling of their speeches is not a sign that their commitment to the Tea Party movement is fading.
But speeches from top conservative politicians are not the focus of the convention. Panels, sessions and workshops appear to be the bread and butter of this event. Among the sessions scheduled for Friday are ones on how to conduct voter registration drives and where to find conservative votes, women in politics, how to organize a Tea Party group, how to involve youth in the conservative movement, grass-roots "on the ground," how to unite state Tea Party groups, technology in the Tea Party movement, and why Christians must engage.
"This convention is a way to galvanize the conservative movement in a way that the general rallies do not," said Mark Skoda, who's serving as spokesman for the convention and who will be leading the panel on technology in the movement.
–CNN's Kristi Keck contributed to this report
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Anti-Obama Protesters in Tampa

I know this is old news by now. I'm very late, but the Black Man has been busy.
Last week The President and Vice President came here to Tampa to hold a town hall meeting. Just so happened I had to drive by the University of Tampa that day, which meant I got to see all the anti-Obama protesters. What struck me the most was all the old white guys I saw protesting. Many were carrying signs with the usual right-wing slogans. You know the ones calling the President a Socialist or Marxist. I'm willing to bet my next paycheck that none of them would know a REAL socialist if one were to hit them up side the head with one their silly signs.
So here we have a bunch of retirees living off social security, medicare and their pensions (because they were able to stay at one job long enough to actually have one, and they retired before corporations started cutting back or eliminating pensions and replacing them with 401K's)in the streets protesting against a President and policies that he's trying to put in to place in order to ensure younger generations of Americans can enjoy the same security that they enjoy now.
Real good guys....Real good.
I don't agree with Obama 100% of time, and I am concerned about some of the spending I see going on in Washington. However I think it's just plain hypocritical to protest against "Big Government" while you're living off it at the same time. I guess they figure they got theirs......
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Alpha Phi Alpha to send humanitarian mission to Haiti
BALTIMORE--Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., the world’s oldest intercollegiate Greek-lettered organization of African Americans, will send a team of its members on a humanitarian mission, next week, February 1 - 5, to provide assistance to families of their members in Haiti. The delegation of Alpha men will also assess the situation and evaluate the need for long-term assistance and support for the Haitian people.
Leading this fact-finding mission will be Herman “Skip” Mason, Jr, (national) general president of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Mason will be joined by several members of the fraternity who are practitioners in the health and medical fields. This team of brothers will add to the fraternity members who are already in Port-Au-Prince working with the U.S. military and non-governmental organizations.
“We have a brother who is a doctor on the USNS Comfort working to save lives, and we have brothers who are on the ground too,” said Mason. “Our goal with this mission is to reinforce our powerful ties to this impoverished country, and help our members’ families there who have been impacted. If we can help them get back on their feet, they can in turn help others and the country as a whole.”
During this humanitarian trip brothers will explore ways to continue working in Haiti--including providing future medical support and participating in the rebuilding of the infrastructure.
Alpha’s main assignment in Haiti will be to locate and provide assistance to families of Alpha members affected by the earthquake. Brothers will also tour the capital city to see firsthand the scope of the damage and assess ways to participate in the rebuilding process, and also volunteer at a local mobile hospital where those with medical expertise on the trip can assist.
While raising over $25,000 for its Haiti disaster relief effort, the fraternity is also planning to “adopt” a school in Haiti. The organization sees this as a great opportunity for the first black intercollegiate fraternity to stand in solidarity with the first independent black Republic. Haiti will continue to need assistance after the aid workers have left and Alpha promises to position itself in such a way to help Haiti in the short term and in the years to come.
“As a brother of Alpha Phi Alpha who was born in Haiti, I am extremely proud of the work that Alpha has begun,” said Brother Sam Darguin, a Haitian-born member of the fraternity. “With the skills and talent of brothers within the fraternity I am confident that Haiti will benefit greatly. This is truly a demonstration of our organization living up to its motto of being, ‘servants of all and love for all mankind.’ ”
Other members of the delegation include: Joseph Gambrell, M.D.; Maurice Gilbert, M.D.; Ronald Peters, DrPH., associate professor, University of Texas Health Science Center and School of Public Health; Ricardo R. Jefferson, attorney at law and native of the Dominican Republic; U. Grant Baldwin, Jr., mental health social worker; Samuel Karl Darguin, partnership specialist, U.S Census Bureau; Jean McGianni Celestin, business development manager, writer and activist; Ferrel "FC" Bonner, cyber-security practitioner and information-security officer; and Bryan J. A. Kelly, director of communications for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.